Meet Danielle


Rooted in the belief that health should be accessible to everyone, I offer holistic healthcare practices that support vitality and optimal living through movement, breath work, meditation, therapeutic bodywork, and Reiki. My mission is to support and educate people to take their health into their own hands through sustainable action in order to gain control over their well-being and live a more fulfilling life.

Driven by integrity, transparency, inclusivity, community, and balance my higher purpose goes beyond individual health. It is about valuing and taking accountability for our own well-being because taking action to better our health physically, mentally, and emotionally is an act of courage that not only impacts each one of us individually, but the world around us at large



Movement Workshop

60 minutes of guided Movement to balance the mind, body, and spirit.



Bachelor of Arts in Feminist Studies with a focus on Culture, Power and Representation from the University of California Santa Cruz in 2018

800 Hour Massage Therapist and Health Educator — National Holistic Institute, Santa Rosa

Currently enrolled in a PhD program for Accupunture and Traditional Chinese Medicine


200 hour Yoga Teacher Training - Core Power Yoga, San Diego 2013

300 hour Yoga Teacher Training — Soul of Yoga, Encinitas

Shoden, Reiki 1 with Lara Elliot

Okuden, Reiki 2 with Lara Elliot

for connection, community, and company

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